Last updated
Last updated
You can unstake at any time. Simply visit our Unstake page and select the amount you want to unstake. Afterwards, you can sign the unstaking transaction. Please note that there will be an unbonding period during which your stake will no longer earn any rewards.
There is a limit to how many unstaking requests that the protocol can handle at once. Please refrain from unstaking more than 5 times within the same 21 day unstaking period.
If Staking.xyz has selected more than one validator for you, then tokens will be unstaked from each validator until the requested unstaking amount has been fulfilled.
For example, let's assume Alice has staked 3,000 TIA. Staking.xyz has allocated 1,000 TIA to three validators, Validator A, Validator B and Validator C.
If Alice unstakes 1,500 TIA, then Staking.xyz will first unstake all 1,000 TIA staked to Validator C and then unstake 500 TIA staked to Validator B to fulfilll the requested unstaking amount.